Education System in Jordan | Ministry of Education 

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Ministry of Education

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Education System in Jordan
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*The philosophy and objectives of education


The philosophy of education in the kingdom stems out of the Jordanian constitution, the Islamic Arab civilization, the principles of the great Arab Revolt and the Jordanian national experience. This philosophy is manifested in the following basics:


(a) The intellectual bases:

 1- Faith in Almighty God.

 2- Faith in the higher ideals of the Arab Nation.

 3- Islam is a system of intellectual behavioral ideology that respects man, exalts the mind and urges for knowledge, work and morality.

 4- Islam is a system of wholeness that provides virtuous values and principles that from the consciousness of both the individual and the group.


(b) The national, bases of pan-Arab and human :

   1- The Hashemite kingdom of Jordan is parliamentary, hereditary and monarchic state where loyalty is for God, the homeland and the king.

   2- Jordan is a part of the Arab Nation and the Jordanian people are indivisible from the Islamic and the Arab Nations.

   3- The Arabic language is an essential pillar in the existence of the Arab Nation; its unity and renaissance.

   4- The Palestine cause is crucial to the Jordanian people.


(c) The social bases:

    1- Jordanians are equal in political, social and economic rights and responsibilities and are distinguished only by what they contribute to their society and their belonging to it.

    2- Respect for the individuals freedom and dignity.

    3- Education is a social necessity and a right for all, each according to his intrinsic abilities and potentials.


(d) General Objectives

    The general objectives of education in the Kingdom emanate from the philosophy of education, and are exemplified in shaping a citizen; believer in God , adherent to homeland and nation, endowed by virtues and human aspects, and mature physically, mentally, spiritually and socially so that each student , by the end of the educational cycles, shall be able to:

1- Using Arabic language in expressing himself and in communicating easily with others.

2- Vigilantly Comprehend Facts , concepts and relations connected with the natural environment both locally and globally and effectively use them in life.

3- Comprehended Islam as an ideology and Sharia’ and vigilantly exemplify its values and trends.

4- Vigilantly comprehend technology and acquire skills of using, producing and developing it, and subjugate this technology to serve the society.

5- Think objectively and critically and adopt scientific methods in observation, research and problem-solving.

6- Adhere to citizenship rights and shoulder the related consequential responsibilities.

7- Invest personal potentials and free time in developing knowledge, innovation, invention, and the sprit of initiative, towards work and its completion and in innocent entertainment.


(e) The educational policy principles:

  The educational policy principles are manifested in the following:

1- Orienting the educational system to have better suitability to both individual and societal needs, and establishing a balance between them.

2- Emphasizing the importance of political education in the educational system, and enhancing the principles of participation, justice and democracy and their practices.

3- Enhancing scientific methodology in planning, conducting and evaluation of the educational system and developing research, assessment and follow-up system.

4- Expanding educational type in the educational institutions to have them involve programs for special education and others for gifted learners and for those with special needs.

5- Emphasizing the fact that teaching is a message and a career that has its own ethical and occupational basics.

6- Enhancing pride in the scientific and social status of the teacher for his distinguished role in building-up the individual and society.






*The educational cycles and their objectives:

(a) The educational institutions are classified in terms of their cycles in the following types:

1- The pre-school (kindergarten) cycle of maximum 2-year duration.

2- The basic education cycle of 10-year duration.

3- The secondary education cycle of 2- year duration.


(b) Upon instructions issued by the Minister , it is allowed to:

1- Accelerating gifted students by reducing the academic scholastic years needed to accomplish the primary stage for the period that does not exceed 2 years.

2-Reducing the number scholastic years needed to finish secondary education in accordance with the semester’s system or according to foreign programs and does not exceed 3 semesters excluding summer semester. 


*The basic education cycle:

(a) Basic education is compulsory and free in the government school.

(b) a child is accepted in the first year of the basic education at completing six-year of age by the end of December of the school year he is enrolls in.

(c) A student is not to be expelled from school before completing 16 years of age, except for those with health problems stated in a report and signed by a specialized health committee.

(d) Basic education is the base for education and the cornerstone for building-up national and pan-Arab unity, developing intrinsic potentials and attitudes and orienting students accordingly.

(e) This cycle aims at realizing the general objectives of education and preparing the citizen in all aspects of his personality; physical ,mental, social and spiritual so that he shall be able to:

1- Vigilantly acknowledge Islam’s history , principles, provisions and values and exemplify them ethically and behaviorally.

2- Acquire the basic skills of the Arabic language so that he becomes able to use it easily.

3- Realize essential facts relevant to the natural and geographical environment on the Jordanian, Arab and world levels.

4- Exemplify the social behavioral basics and respect the traditions, habits and sound values of his society.

5- Love his homeland, feel proud of it and hold the consequent responsibilities.

6- Acquire the basic skills of at least one foreign language.

7- Comprehend scientific basics of all exposed types of technology and exploit them in daily life.



*The secondary education cycle:

(a)students enroll in the secondary education cycle according to their abilities and interests. Secondary education provides specialized cultural, scientific, and vocational experiences which shall meet the existing and anticipated needs of the Jordanian society and of such standard which helps the student continue higher education or join fields of work.

(b)This cycle aims at building up a citizen who shall be able to:

1- Use his Arabic language to enhance his scientific and literary knowledge, to consider the constituents of correct linguistic structure, and to relish the arts of the language.

2- Have cultural identity derived from his nations past and present civilization, and be aware of the necessity for

3-Conscious openness to world civilization, and contribute to its development.

4- Interact with the culture environment of his society and work towards its development.

5- Endeavor for the prosperity, eminence and pride of his country, and for participation in resolving its problems and bringing about its security and safety.

6- Perform his duties and adhere to his rights.

7- Work with a team spirit, be aware of the bases and forms of consultation and democracy and apply them in his dealings with others, and believe in the principles of social justice.

8- be aware of international issues and problems and perceive the importance of international understanding and peace built on right and justice.

9- Master at least one foreign language.

15- Investigate information source and master the processes related to collecting, storing, and processing data, at well as ways of benefiting from them.

10- Relish artistic work and express his artistic tendencies in producing positive artistic works up to the standard of his abilities and potentials.

11- Develop himself through self- learning and continues learning throughout his life.

12- Exemplify Arab and Islamic values and human perfection in his behavior.


*Secondary education consists of two major streams:

(a) comprehensive secondary education stream with a common general educational basis, and specialized academic or vocational education; and.

(b) Applied secondary education stream which is based on vocational preparation and training.

The conditions for acceptance in secondary education are determined in accordance with regulations issued by the minister according to bases decided upon by the council.


Collecting school donations in governmental educational institutions is permitted for the purpose of promoting the educational process, in accordance with regulations issued for this purpose.



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Education System in Jordan