تعلن وزارة التربية والتعليم عن حاجتها لتعيين أولاً : مسؤول متابعة وتقييم ثانيًا : مسؤول مالي للعمل في وحدة التنسيق التنموي | وزارة التربية والتعليم 

المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية

وزارة التربية والتعليم

إمكانية وصول الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة

تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
تجاوز إلى القائمة الرئيسية
تغيير ألوان الموقع


تعلن وزارة التربية والتعليم عن حاجتها لتعيين أولاً : مسؤول متابعة وتقييم ثانيًا : مسؤول مالي للعمل في وحدة التنسيق التنموي

الرئيسية/ الاخبار / تعلن وزارة التربية والتعليم عن حاجتها لتعيين أولاً : مسؤول متابعة وتقييم ثانيًا : مسؤول مالي للعمل في وحدة التنسيق التنموي


الأحد, كانون الأول 17, 2017


تعلن وزارة التربية والتعليم عن حاجتها لتعيين 
أولاً : مسؤول متابعة وتقييم 
 ثانيًا : مسؤول مالي 

للعمل في وحدة التنسيق التنموي في وزارة التربية والتعليم بموجب عقد شامل لجميع العلاوات لمتابعة المهام المتعلقة بالمشاريع الدولية التي تنفذها الوزارة، وعلى الراغبين إرسال طلباتهم متضمنة الوثائق الثبوتية  اللازمة على البريد الإلكتروني


خلال الفترة مابين 17- 21 / 12 /  2017  - 


 يمكن الاطلاع على المهام والمؤهلات المطلوبة على رابط وزارة التربية والتعليم




الوصف الوظيفي : / Job Description  

Job Description for Monitoring and Evaluation and Reports Officer 

The M&E and Reports Expert will report to the Executive Director of the DCU through and in coordination with the senior Programme Manager in the Development Coordination Unit, coordinating closely with the Managing Directorate of Educational Planning and Research and other concerned managing directorates ensuring the best outputs within the scope of his/her work.


• Support the SPM on all financial and technical progress reporting ensuring compliance with donor agreements.
• Establish and maintain action plans for delivery of programme activities in coordination with the SPM, DCU and the Managing Directorate of Educational Planning and Research and other concerned directorates.
• Support measures and methods for all activities and programme continuous monitoring and evaluation.
• Support the Ministry’s compliance with the Common Results Framework including: setting annual target and performance indicators, 6 monthly updates, support to the external evaluation, for all the project components.
• Support the follow up to recommendations, the preparation of six monthly progress reports, and external evaluations of the CRF.
• Upon request, support project evaluations and report to Steering Committee meetings and Higher Committee Meetings with his Excellency the Minister of Education, and prepare minutes of meetings, and summarize the issues to facilitate follow-up.
• Coordinate with the Procurement team remedial plans for potentials delays.
• Design and coordinate field monitoring at school level reporting findings in technical and financial reports, CRF, and quarterly Steering Committee meetings.
• Lead the drafting of the technical and financial reporting.
• Other additional activities requested by the executive director of the DCU.


The M&E and Reports Expert should have the following:
• A minimum of 5 years in Monitoring and Evaluation, reporting and developing work plans.
• Knowledge of the Public sector is desirable.
• Working experience in an educational institution or a school and/or in an educational project.
• Ability to work in teams, to lead and to motivate staff in the implementation of projects in a results-based format.
• Computer literacy and knowledge in MS Office is mandatory.
• Excellent interpersonal, written and oral communication skills (English and Arabic, French is a plus).

Job Description for Finance Officer

The Financial Expert reports to the Executive Director of the DCU through and in coordination with the senior Programme Manager in the Development Coordination Unit and work closely with the managing directorate of financial affairs, planning, and HR and any other related directorates ensuring the best outputs within the scope of his/her work. 


• Ensure that all projects’ financial accounts are sufficiently loaded to cover all the project expenses and payments committed under all signed contracts.
• Update, monthly, all financial documents required by the project and by the donors' audit team, and detail the accounting by category of expenditure, by component and sub component and submit them to the DCU executive director through the Programme Manager.
• Prepare financial requests for donors in advance to the quarterly review meetings.
• Produce quarterly expenditure reports to be shared in the High Level Steering Committee meetings.
• Process all regular expenditures and submitted invoices in coordination with the senior Programme Manager and M&E expert, and under the supervision of the DCU executive director.
• Coordinate with all the implementing agencies related to the project, to consolidate all required financial reports before submitting them to the SPM or to the donors.
• Coordinate with the procurement officer to ensure the conformity and validity of all submitted invoices with the payment schedules, before being submitted to the SPM for signature.
• Ensure the weekly and monthly provisions for all the project expenditures.
• Maintain the current accounting system and formulate tables and tools to enhance it.
• Prepare the operation manual for the financial and accounting procedures, internally within the DCU and externally with all the implementing agencies.
• Follow up with all financial operations related to the project, maintain overall budget control, updates, and monitor cash flows.
• Ensure the availability of funds in all the project related accounts, according to the financial disbursement plan.
• Provide to the Programme Manager, on quarterly basis, a list detailing the disbursement priorities covering all expenditures in the financial expenditures plan.
• Provide details and assist the Audit teams and the Audit firms.
• Put into operation all recommendations reported by the financial auditors.
• Any other task relevant to the position and approved by the DCU executive director.


• The Financial Officer should have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in a similar position preferred in the public sector or in internationally financed projects.
• Advanced degree in Finance or Accounting or related field, or CPM or CMA certificate or equivalent.
• Knowledge of the donors/ international organizations rules and regulations related to financial operations.
• Computer literacy and knowledge in Accounting and finance software is mandatory.

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المركز الوطني للأمن السيبراني