تعلن وزارة التربية والتعليم عن حاجتها لتعيين وظيفة مدير إدارة مركز الملكة رانيا لتكنولوجيا التعليم والمعلومات | وزارة التربية والتعليم 

المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية

وزارة التربية والتعليم

إمكانية وصول الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة

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تغيير ألوان الموقع


تعلن وزارة التربية والتعليم عن حاجتها لتعيين وظيفة مدير إدارة مركز الملكة رانيا لتكنولوجيا التعليم والمعلومات

الرئيسية/ الاخبار / تعلن وزارة التربية والتعليم عن حاجتها لتعيين وظيفة مدير إدارة مركز الملكة رانيا لتكنولوجيا التعليم والمعلومات


الاثنين, كانون الثاني 22, 2018



تعلن وزارة التربية والتعليم عن  حاجتها لتعيين وظيفة  

 مدير إدارة مركز الملكة رانيا لتكنولوجيا التعليم والمعلومات 

Managing Director for Queen Rania Center for Education Technology and Information

 ( شراء خدمات ) 


وفق الشروط المبينة أدناه ، فعلى الراغبين التقدم لهذه الوظيفة مراجعة قسم التوظيف / إدارة الموارد البشرية في وزارة التربية والتعليم خلال أوقات الدوام الرسمي اعتبارًا من يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 23/1/2018 ولغاية نهاية دوام يوم الثلاثاء الموافق   30/1/2018مصطحبين معهم الأوراق الثبوتية وتعبئة الطلب أدناه



 Terms of Reference

Managing Director for Queen Rania Center for Education Technology and Information 



Integrating technology in education has been a major reform goal in Jordan for over two decades. The education Reform for the Knowledge Economy Program (ERfKE), implemented by the Ministry of Education over two phases, highlighted the importance of computer introduction in schools as well as access to technology. Queen Rania Centre for Education Technology and Information was established by the MoE in 2001 with the aim of integrating technology into the education reform plans to support the educational process under the MoE’s overarching vision and mission.
The Queen Rania centre’s mission is to provide and support the technological environment for effective e-learning, teaching, and administration of education services. The centre consists of two directorates; the directorate of Information Technology- which administers the deployment and usage of technological devices, equipment, and network system to cover 3,680 schools and 48 directorates, and the Directorate of Education Technology, which supports e-learning through managing digital educational resources and e-content across school computer laboratories and inside the classroom.
In line with the national efforts to enhance human capital formation and development all over the country and based on the National Human Resource Development (HRD) Strategy 2016-2025, the Ministry of Education is currently executing a number of large-scale projects with the broad policy goal of improving student learning outcomes and preparing students for digital economy. To this end, the Ministry of Education is currently seeking to fill a vacancy for the managing director position at the Queen Rania Center for Education Technology and Information to sustain current technology delivery in schools and execute technology-focused projects recommendation by the HRD Strategy.
The managing director leads the foundational technology direction for the Ministry of Education, and has the overall responsibility for managing technology infrastructure planning, deployment, providing technology vision, enabling innovation and understanding the technological trends that can create significant transformational change in student learning. Moreover, the managing director oversees the execution of education technology projects and strategies to ensure continuity of high-quality educational service delivery.
The Ministry of Education is seeking to appoint the Managing Director for Queen Rania Center for Education Technology and Information.

Tasks and Responsibilities

1. Identify a vision for the usage of technology to improve students’ learning outcomes in support of the Ministry’s strategic and operational goals.
2. Lead teams from different directorates and divisions at Queen Rania Centre to achieve the targets at the divisions, directorates and Ministry’s levels.
3. Identify and promote appropriate relationships (opportunities) between emerging technology resources and the education process.
4. Lead and promote the implementation of industry best practice methodologies, tools, and programs in support of technology in education.
5. Plan, execute, and sustain all national school education technology operations related to technical and communications systems, data systems, network infrastructure, technology device management, and technology integration.
6. Lead on monitoring, evaluating, and reporting all department-wide activities in alignment with the strategic and operational goals of the Queen Rania Centre and Ministry.
7. Create and manage cross-functional teams for appropriate aspects of strategy execution and programming.
8. Analyse and identify the requirements of the Centre on an ongoing basis as well as the public schools, and field directorates and translate the findings into action plans and policies.
9. Maximize the value and efficiency of available resources through effective financial and resource analysis/planning.
10. Collaborate with key system leaders, people networks and/or learning communities and departments to identify activities needed to meet strategic goals.
11. Communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders and foster communications to achieve Centre and Ministry goals.
12. Follow up on the implementation of ICT strategy and its implementation plan.
13. Manage and coordinate the efforts of local and international consultants working on related assignments.


Leadership and Vision: The ability to work closely with executive teams and stakeholders to develop a shared vision with long-term, big picture perspective on Ministry goals for innovative and effective uses of technology to improve student learning outcomes.
Strategic Planning: The ability to plan a high-level policy perspective across the school system and work with internal and external stakeholders to identify steps needed to transform the technology vision into a long-range plan complete with specific goals, objectives and action plans.
Portfolio Management: The ability to oversee seamless execution of multiple nation-wide projects aligned with departmental, Ministerial, and national strategic goals and targets.
Information Technology Management: The ability to direct, coordinate, and ensure implementation of all tasks related to technical, infrastructure, standards, and integration of technology into every facet of operations.
Network System Management: The ability to manage and coordinate network infrastructure so that it is highly available, secure and fit-for-purpose for school and directorate requirements.
Data System Management: The ability to manage the development and maintenance of highly efficient data management systems for all Ministry data collected.
Operations Management: The ability to manage a large team and budget and serve as a strong business leader who guides operational, human resource, and financial decisions to maximise efficiency of Center operation.
Communications: The ability to build relationships with internal and external stakeholder and quickly build rapport and public support for change through a variety of mechanisms.
In addition to the competencies needed to achieve the above mentioned functions, candidates are also expected to have a solid background in the field characterized by the following:

• Knowledge of the education landscape in Jordan, particularly in terms of existing school-level and classroom- level education technology.
• Knowledge of the technology landscape in Jordan, particularly in terms of existing vendors/service providers, infrastructure, and national technology policies/regulations.
• Knowledge of global emerging trends in innovative technology-based solutions for education administration and service provision.
• Knowledge of public sector administration and project execution in local context.
• Knowledge of public- private- partnership (PPP) mechanisms, particularly in the education and/or technology sectors.


1. Bachelor’s Degree in Information System, Information Technology, Computer Science, Education Technology, or any other related field (essential).
2. Postgraduate degree in Information System, Information Technology, Computer Science, Education, Education Technology, or any other related field (desired).
3. Professional Qualifications/Certifications in Business (e.g. Project Management, Professional (PMP) or Information Technology (e.g. Microsoft or Cisco Qualifications in Network or System Administration or Equivalent) (desired).

Professional Experience

1. A minimum of 10 years experience in progressive information technology experience in a dynamic education focused environment.
2. A minimum of 5 years experience in implementing and supporting innovative technological solutions in a challenging and demanding environment.
3. Experience in managing large scale technology projects in Jordan or outside.

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