تعلن وزارة التربية والتعليم عن توافر وظيفة : ( Senior Programme Manager ) | وزارة التربية والتعليم 

المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية

وزارة التربية والتعليم

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تعلن وزارة التربية والتعليم عن توافر وظيفة : ( Senior Programme Manager )

الرئيسية/ الاخبار / تعلن وزارة التربية والتعليم عن توافر وظيفة : ( Senior Programme Manager )


الخميس, أيلول 7, 2017


تعلن وزارة التربية والتعليم عن توافر وظيفة :

( Senior Programme Manager )

وفق المبين أدناه ، على الراغبين التقدم لهذه الوظيفة مراجعة قسم التوظيف / إدارة الموارد البشرية في وزارة التربية والتعليم خلال أوقات الدوام الرسمي اعتبارًا من يوم الأحد الموافق 10/9/2017 ولغاية نهاية دوام يوم الخميس الموافق 14/9/2017 .

• Senior Programme Manager (1-3 yrs. funded by the Joint Financial Agreement – Canada, Norway, UK and USA) 

The SPM reports to the Head of the Development Coordination Unit, and coordinates with the Planning Department and all the members of the team, ensuring the best outputs within the scope of his/her work. 


• Lead the programme management delivery including design and delivery of programme work plans, annual financial and technical target setting and reporting. 
• Lead all financial and technical progress reporting ensuring compliance with donor agreements. 
• Ensure action plans are established and maintained for delivery of programme activities in coordination with the DCU and Planning Department. 
• Propose measures and methods for all activities and programme continuous evaluation. 
• Lead the Ministry’s input into the Common Results Framework including: setting annual target and performance indicators, 6 monthly updates, support to the external evaluation, for all the project components. 
• Ensure the follow up to recommendations form the 6 monthly progress reports, and external evaluations of the CRF. 
• Upon request, provide project evaluations and report to Steering Committee meetings and Higher Committee Meetings with his Excellency the Minister of Education. 
• Coordinate with the Procurement team remedial plans for potentials delays.
• Provide guidance to the M&E, Finance and Maintenance experts engaged in implementation of the various project components, under the supervision of the DCU. 
• Evaluate on quarterly basis, the project activities outcomes and their impact on the general project performance. 
• Responsible for the timely and accurate reporting technical and financial reporting in accordance with donor agreements. 
• Lead preparations for and minutes of all Steering Committee Meetings with Donors and Quarterly Higher Committee meetings with Donors and His Excellency the Minister of Education. 


• The SPM should have a minimum of 5 years in Project Management or Project Planning. 
• Knowledge of the Public and private sector is desirable. 
• Ability to work in teams, to lead and to motivate staff in the implementation of projects in a results-based format. 
• Computer literacy and knowledge in MS Office is mandatory. 
• Excellent interpersonal, written and oral communication skills (English and Arabic, Frenc
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